Photo of Philip Comella

EPA today released updated interim drinking water health advisories for PFOA and PFOS.  The health advisory level was previously 70 ppt (parts per trillion) for the total of PFOA and PFOS.  The updated interim health advisory levels are now 0.004 ppt for PFOA and 0.020 ppt for PFOS, three orders of magnitude lower.  EPA’s health

The cradle-to-grave scheme is at the heart of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. RCRA, after first defining what a “hazardous waste” is and requiring permits for facilities accepting these materials, then requires a manifest to accompany the movement of the waste from the point of generation – through transportation – and then finally to

Ever since the EPA’s 1985 rulemaking on the Definition of Solid Waste, 50 Fed. Reg. 614 (1985), the question of how one distinguishes legitimate recycling from sham recycling has puzzled both regulators and recyclers. The question is vital because sham recycling is equivalent to illegal disposal and exposes the perpetrator to enforcement and significant penalties.

Filling in a gap in its regulations, Kentucky proposes new regulations for technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials or TENORM. The regulations were in response to concerns about the management of radioactive materials from oil and gas production.  A public hearing is to be held on the proposed regulations on June 21, 2017.

The Regulations

Donald Trump is set to assume the presidency on January 20, 2017.  At Environmental Law Next we are taking a look at what that will mean for American environmental law.  We will be providing our own perspective as well as directing our readers to the insights of others that are keeping an eye on what