Several environmental organizations have petitioned the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals and moved to block EPA from implementing a 90-day administrative stay of the New Source Performance Standards covering methane emissions from oil and gas infrastructure. A group of states, plus the District of Columbia and the City of Chicago, have since moved to intervene
Environmental Regulations
Industry Groups Sue to Block Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule
Nine trade associations, including the American Chemistry Council, the American Petroleum Institute, and the American Forest & Paper Association, have filed a Petition for Review challenging the EPA’s Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule. The rule was developed by the Obama Administration and was not finalized until after the election, on November 28, 2016. It is…
EPA Delays Implementation of All Pending New Rules
The EPA announced today that it is delaying the effective date of all regulations that have been published in the Federal Register but are not yet effective. There are 30 such regulations, all of which are now scheduled to become effective on March 21, 2017. The action was taken to comply with the White House’s…
EPA Rulemaking in the Trump Administration
Mr. Trump made cutting regulations a central promise of his campaign. At one point he suggested 70% of federal regulations could be eliminated. Although his staff quickly walked that number back, there is little doubt that at least a few EPA regulations will be among those the administration will target.
An agenda that involves a…
How President-Elect Trump’s Environmental Policy Might Shift Environmental Protection Responsibility to the States and Citizens
Donald Trump is set to assume the presidency on January 20, 2017. At Environmental Law Next we are taking a look at what that will mean for American environmental law. We will be providing our own perspective as well as directing our readers to the insights of others that are keeping an eye on what…